Special Interest Section Profiles: Advanced Practice Providers
Find out more on how this section works to educate and network to improve patient care
The American Headache Society is home to a variety of Special Interest Sections that connect members with shared expertise and interests to collaborate on research efforts. These sections, like the Advanced Practice Providers section, develop practice models and provide multidisciplinary participation in support of the Society’s mission.
The Special Interest Section focused on Advanced Practice Providers is made up of nurse practitioners and physician assistants. It aims to connect and educate nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the field of neuroscience, specifically within headache medicine.
Section Chair Carol Barch, MN, FNP-BC, discusses this section’s current and ongoing work, and her vision for the future.
Name of Special Interest Section
Advanced Practice Providers
Name of Section Chair
Carol Barch, MN, FNP-BC
What is the mission of the Advanced Practice Providers Special Interest Section?
The section’s mission is primarily to network, share best practices and build relationships amongst our peers. We also educate nurse practitioners and physician assistants within and beyond the organization. We are interested in giving advanced practice providers the resources they need to care for their patients.
What are some recent projects your section has been a part of?
We focus heavily on education, so one important project we have been a part of is the Bridge program. The Bridge program is an educational core curriculum that includes a series of lectures targeted at new nurse practitioners and physician assistants caring for patients with migraine. We also have a hands-on workshop where we teach nurse practitioners and physician assistants to perform specific procedures in headache medicine.
What are the future goals of this Special Interest Section?
We plan to continue focusing on education to improve patient care. For example, we’re working to deliver education to our members in a well-rounded, accessible way. This fall, we will also be conducting a survey to look at current nurse practitioner and physician assistant practices. This survey will extend to peers in other organizations and capture the impact advance practice providers have caring for patients with headache. Our goal is to focus on building connections with more advanced practice providers outside of the American Headache Society.
How is this Special Interest Section making an impact in the field of headache medicine?
This section makes an impact by using our unique knowledge and skills as advanced practice providers. This then allows us to provide compassionate care and commitment to patients through education and networking with members. We believe that improving patient care propels everyone forward.