Mastering Migraine Therapies

Mastering Migraine Therapies is a comprehensive program designed to provide a multi-faceted approach to migraine education. The program covers the diagnosis and treatment of migraine, and updates on the latest science.
New for 2024, Mastering Migraine Therapies is available virtually via the AHS Education On Demand platform at no cost to AHS members. The program will center around pre-recorded lectures on new acute migraine treatment, prevention, and diagnosis, behavioral enhancements in migraine management, integrating neuromodulation into clinical practice, and migraine in children and adolescents.
Become a Member for Free Access to Education On Demand and Many Other Benefits.
Live Q&A for CME
Registrants will also have access to register separately for live Q&A sessions with migraine experts for additional CME via the Education On Demand platform. Registrants are encouraged to view the On Demand content first, then register for an available Live Q&A that works for your schedule. Experts will cover various topics including the following frequently asked questions:
- How do you select which patients are candidates for new therapies?
- Can you safely combine CGRP therapies with other drugs?
- Can you combine a CGRP monoclonal antibody with Onabotulinum toxin A or with a CGRP receptor antagonist (gepant)?
- Can you combine a gepant with a triptan or a ditan?
- When do you recommend neuromodulation?
- What behavioral treatments work the best for people with migraine?
- Which of the newer treatment options would you consider to treat migraine during pregnancy or lactation?
- What are some treatment options for people with migraine who are above 60?
- Have these newer treatments been studied in children?
- Do the newer treatments work for menstrual migraine?
Upcoming Live Q&A Events
Check back soon!
Program Committee Chairs
Program Committee
Richard B. Lipton, MD, FAHS
Stephen D. Silberstein, MD, FAHS
Dawn C Buse, PhD, FAHS
Deborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, FAHS
Peter J. Goadsby, MD, PhD, FAHS
Rashmi B. Halker Singh, MD, FAHS
Scott W. Powers, PhD, ABPP, FAHS
Todd J. Schwedt, MD, MSCI, FAHS
Stewart J. Tepper, MD, FAHS
Kaitlin Greene, MD
Rashmi Rao, MD
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