Educational Resources


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Statistical Sample Size Calculator (as referenced in the May 2005 issue of Headache) – This calculator has been created to aid researchers in determining the adequacy of their sample sizes and resulting statistical power. Calculations are based on a normal curve test on the arcsine transformation of the proportions.

Brainstorm Reference Guide – This resource guide includes information about Prevalence and Impact of Migraine, Migraine Mechanisms, History, Physical and Diagnosis, and Migraine Management. The appendix to the guide includes Evidence-based Guidelines for Migraine Headache, Patient Treatment Plan, International Headache Society ICD-10 Guide for Headaches, and Guidelines for Terminating Use of Prescription Analgesics. This guide provides in-depth accompaniement to the Brainstorm program, an innovative, multimedia educational program developed for physicians and health professionals with an interest in headache. This interactive, case-based program uses video case vignettes, animation, and illustrations to examine the impact of headache on patients’ lives and teach the diagosis and treatment of patients with complex migraine disorders. Live presentations can be arranged through AHS headquarters.

AHS Headache Profiles

Each issue of the AHS Headache Profiles is a newsletter-style publication that presents a detailed vignette. Each issue is accompanied by brief articles addressing the issues raised in each case. The AHS Headache Profiles have been designed to be equally suitable for formal instruction or self-instruction by residents and students.

 Volume 1, Issue 1
 Newsletter  Slides
 Volume 1, Issue 2
 Newsletter  Slides
 Volume 1, Issue 3
 Newsletter  Slides 
 Volume 1, Issue 4
 Newsletter  Slides
 Volume 2, Issue 1
 Newsletter  Slides
 Volume 2, Issue 2
 Newsletter  Slides
 Volume2, Issue 3
 Newsletter  Slides