
“The only thing that is constant is change”

Heraclitus of Ephesus.


The Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus, wrote a single book, now lost to us. He is perhaps best known for thoughts on the universe being in constant flux. Change is constant and I write to report that Jason Roberts Ph.D., the Executive Editor of our journal, Headache, is resigning to pursue other endeavors. Given his long association with the American Headache Society it is appropriate to highlight some of that history.

Jason started working with the journal while at Blackwell Publishing in 2001. He accompanied Dr. John Rothrock, the incoming editor in chief (EIC), to the Mayo Clinic to retrieve paper files from Dr. J. Keith Campbell, the outgoing EIC, as part of the conversion to electronic publishing for the journal. Jason was instrumental in facilitating that important change. In 2004, Jason moved over to Headache’s editorial office as Executive Editor. It was about that time that I met Jason, in my new capacity as an Associate Editor of the journal. It was immediately apparent that he was deeply dedicated to the success of the journal. Over the years I found him to be many things; innovative, hard-working, reliable and enthusiastic in his role as Executive Editor, always putting the best interests of the journal first. The ongoing success of the journal over the years has been in no small part due to Jason’s tireless efforts and expertise.

Dr. Roberts is a recognized international authority on publishing and the peer-review process. He is a former president of the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors. He has lectured on these matters worldwide. He has used his expertise to mentor countless authors, peer reviewers, assistant editors, associate editors and editors. His guidance has always been thorough, helpful and timely. Whenever there was a problem related to publishing at the journal, I knew I could rely on Jason’s experience and calm and sage advice. On a personal note, Jason has a lovely wife and three daughters. He is one of the friendliest people I have known and always ready to lend a hand when needed.

Over time Jason’s business, Origin Editorial, LLC, has grown and he is now leaving the journal to pursue other opportunities. We shall miss him but I suspect he will remain involved as a friend and advisor.  A contemporary of Heraclitus, Theophrastus, said he felt that his book was only half-finished. The same is true for Jason’s story. There will be many more good things to come. The American Headache Society deeply appreciates his many contributions and wishes him success in every endeavor.

Thomas N. Ward MD FAHS

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