Headache Research Library

Red Flags in Headache History
Brian Plato, DO, FAHS, is the medical director of headache medicine at Norton Neuroscience Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. He recently discussed red flags in headache history...

Adverse Pregnancy Risks Linked to Migraine in Women
The impact of migraine treatment not associated with pregnancy complications, but further research needed, expert says

New Research on Opioid Use in Migraine Reveals Challenges of Acute Migraine Care as Revealed in Studies to be Presented at AHS 61st Annual Scientific Meeting
Three observational studies to be presented at the American Headache Society (AHS) 61st Annual Scientific Meeting in Philadelphia, July 11-14, provide insight into how opioids are being used to treat migraine in a range of acute care settings.

New Data on Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Migraine to be Shared at AHS 61st Annual Scientific Meeting
At the American Headache Society (AHS) 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, researchers are presenting data looking at the impact of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on migraine-related disability.

Headache 101 with Dr. Andrew Hershey
Andrew Hershey, MD, PhD, FAHS, walks through the characteristics of headache and how to classify them

Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Migraine and Cluster Headache
This non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment option decreases the likelihood of headaches

How Doctors Determine Acute Migraine Treatment Plans: Q&A with Stewart Tepper, MD, FAHS
Dr. Tepper walks through what needs to be considered when determining how to treat a patient’s migraine attacks

How Neurologists Can Bolster the Patient Relationship in Migraine Treatment: Q&A with Dawn Buse, PhD, FAHS
Insights on building the strongest connection possible between neurologists and patients with migraine

Clinical Trial Networks Supporting Headache and Migraine Research
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is funding research in clinical trial networks which will support headache and migraine research. In addition...

Neuromodulation as a Treatment for Migraine
Umer Najib, MD, FAHS, shares who is a suitable candidate for non-invasive neuromodulation and explains how to gauge treatment success

The State of Headache Medicine in Canada: Q&A With Elizabeth Leroux, MD
President of the Canadian Headache Society, neurologist and migraine advocate Dr. Leroux discusses migraine stigma and access to care.

Sleep, Migraine and Improved Patient Outcomes
Poor sleep habits and migraine continue to be linked as more advanced technology allows physicians to reveal a stronger connection.

From the Journal: Headache and Mitochondrial Disease
Mitochondrial disease presents in many forms with varying symptoms, ranging from developmental delays to neurological issues, including frequent headaches. Until recently, it has been unclear whether the headaches patients with mitochondrial disease experience are caused by a primary or secondary disorder.

Hot Topics: Oral Contraceptives and Migraine
There is a higher prevalence of migraine among women, compared with men, so it’s important to consider risks as they relate to women’s health issues—namely when prescribing oral contraceptives.