Headache Journal

First Contact: Headache in Primary Care

The goal of First Contact: Headache in Primary Care is to provide educational resources to empower healthcare professionals and improve headache and migraine care for their patients. Family physicians, internists, OBGYNs, pediatricians, PAs, NPs, and other allied healthcare providers can browse a variety of free resources on topics like Diagnosing Migraine, Acute and Preventive Migraine Treatment Options, Pediatric Migraine and Migraine, Pregnancy, & Lactation.

View First Contact Resources

Headache Presentations

The flagship offerings of the First Contact program are our three one-hour presentations delivered by experts in headache care and tailored to your audience’s needs. Available digitally on-demand with an option for CME credit or as in-person presentations at no cost to your institution, these sessions cover essential topics, including Headache in Primary Care, A Woman’s Migraine Journey, and Migraine in Pediatrics.

Learn More About Our Presentations

Our Mission

To reduce disability among patients with headache by improving the practice of headache medicine across America.

Our Vision

We, as headache medicine specialists, collaborate to provide professional content and resources to primary care providers working to lessen the burden of disease from headache and facial pain.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity: Scientific and professional integrity in headache research, education and clinical care
  • Knowledge: Expand access to knowledge & information about headache management
  • Quality: Encourage quality and compassionate care
  • Advocacy: Leadership and advocacy for people living with headache disorders and the practice of headache medicine
  • Diversity: Celebrating and promoting the diversity of providers and the patient population they serve

First Contact: Headache in Primary Care Program Committee Co-Chairs

Adam Sprouse Blum, MD, PhD

University of Vermont
Burlington, VT

Nina Riggins, MD, PhD, FAHS

VA Headache Centers of Excellence
Palo Alto, CA

Program Committee

Stephanie Nahas, MD, MSEd, FAHS

Carol Barch, MN, FNP-BC, AQH

Jessica Gautreaux, MD, FAHS

Scott Litin, MD, MACP, FAHS

Mia Minen, MD, MPH, FAHS

Scott Powers, PhD, ABPP, FAHS

Laura Xanders, FNP-BC

J. Ivan Lopez, MD, FAHS

Vincent Martin, MD

Angeliki Vgontzas, MD

Fred Cohen, MD

Advisory Board

Calli Cook, DNP

Caroline Brooks, MA

Sarah Robinson, MD, FAAP

Doug Paauw, MD

Catherine Stika, MD

Frederick Stone, MD

Vera Gibb, DNP, FNP-C, AQH

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