Headache Research Library

From the Journal: sTMS for Migraine Treatment in Adolescents
New research suggest that the neuromodulation technique may be safe and effective for patients ages 12 to 17.

Non-Invasive Migraine Treatment Options: Q&A With Dr. Stewart Tepper
Dr. Stewart Tepper details new, non-invasive neuromodulation devices that can effectively treat and prevent migraine

From The Journal: Treating Chronic Pain Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury
Research from “Headache” suggests intranasal oxytocin may provide pain relief post traumatic brain injury.

What to do When Migraine Treatment Fails
Richard Lipton, MD, FAHS offers advice to clinicians treating persistent migraine.

Pediatric Migraine: Q&A With Dr. Christina Szperka
Christina Szperka, MD, MSCE, FAHS is the director of the pediatric headache program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She spoke with us about her work with children with migraine, and offered advice for parents seeking guidance on how to treat headache in kids.

From the Journal: The Prevalence of Migraine and Severe Headache
Migraine and severe headache are leading causes of disability throughout the United States. In order to ensure that newly developed treatments are made available to those most commonly affected by these debilitating head pain disorders....

Understanding and Treating Headache Related to Menopause
A large number of patients in my headache practice are either perimenopausal or postmenopausal. Many of those who are perimenopausal believe they will be cured of migraine after completing the hormonal fluctuations of menopause.

Touch Sensitivity During Migraine Episodes: Q&A With Dr. Rami Burstein
Dr. Rami Burstein is a professor of anesthesia and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School and vice chair of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

Why Light Can Cause Pain During Migraine: Q&A With Dr. Rami Burstein
Light sensitivity affects 85 to 90% of those living with migraine. Dr. Rami Burstein explains his research and findings on the phenomenon

Classifying Postpartum Headache
Research from Headache finds new data on women seeking treatment for acute postpartum headache.

Migraine Symptoms on Non-Headache Days
Patients with migraine often experience headache-like symptoms during the period between headache episodes, known as the interictal state.

From the Journal: Predicting OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment Outcomes
Research published in Headache finds new biomarkers that may help predict the efficacy of the OnabotA treatment

The Indirect Costs of Parenting with Migraine
New research published in Headache finds parental migraine can negatively impact adolescent children

The Future of Neuromodulation
Rashmi Halker, M.D. shares how neuromodulation provides a non-invasive option for migraine and headache treatment.