Headache Research Library

Lifestyle Counseling from Nurses May Improve Patient Outcomes
In this month’s edition of Headache, researchers showed that nurse counseling on lifestyle changes along with treatment by a physician improves the functioning and quality of life of migraine patients.

Medication Overuse Headache: Q&A with Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH, FAHS
Medication overuse headache is a well-known association with chronic headache disorders including chronic migraine. Dr. Friedman offers guidance on how it can be treated

Opioids and Migraine
Opioids have utility in migraine treatment, but they are often overprescribed, which may be hurting patients. Stephen Silberstein, MD, FAHS says a lack of physician education is to blame

How Migraine Evolves With Age
Migraine symptoms and triggers in children are different than symptoms and triggers in adults, and those factors evolve for individuals as they age

Child Abuse and Migraine
Do Personality Traits Mediate the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse and Migraine?

Migraine, Stroke and Heart Disease: Q&A With Dr. Gretchen Tietjen
Dr. Gretchen Tietjen is a professor and chair of the University of Toledo’s Department of Neurology. She is a neurologist specializing in headache medicine and vascular neurology, or the treatment of strokes.

Migraine and Pregnancy: Q&A With Dr. Matthew Robbins
Dr. Matthew Robbins is an associate professor of neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and a neurologist at the Montefiore Headache Center. He spoke with us about the link between pregnancy and migraine

From the Journal: A Retrospective Nested Cohort Study of Emergency Department Revisits for Migraine in New York City
Determining the frequency of headache revisits among patients who present to an ED for migraine management

Post-Traumatic Headache and Concussion: Q&A with Dr. Amaal Starling
Dr. Amaal Starling is a neurologist specializing in migraine, post-traumatic headache and medical education. She is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz...

Opioid treatments and headache – Like oil and water?
With the opioid crisis now on an all time rise within the United States, raising awareness about the appropriate use of these drugs is vital.

From the Journal: Associations Between Depression/Anxiety and Headache Frequency in Migraineurs: a Cross-Sectional Study
Does migraine frequency influence the intensity of emotional expression?

From the Journal: Pediatric Headache and Sleep Disturbance: A Comparison of Diagnostic Groups
Searching for the relationship between pediatric headache and children’s sleep patterns

From the Journal: Understanding Injections and Migraine
Guidance on achieving optimal outcomes from injections for migraine treatment