Headache Research Library

Research Summary: Migraine Treatment and COVID-19 Vaccines: No Cause for Concern
COVID-19 has brought up questions about whether vaccines have an impact on the management of migraine and other headache disorders. While many patients with migraine and other headache disorders likely entered the COVID-19 vaccine trials...

Overview of Migraine Diagnosis
Learn the basics of diagnosing migraine and questions to ask your patient

Research Summary: Headache Virtual Visit Toolbox
In this brief “Views and Perspectives” piece from the September issue of Headache, Drs. Begasse de Dhaem and Bernstein discuss the rapid transition made by health care providers to extensive use of telehealth to help their patients during the COVID pandemic.

Research Summary: Quality Improvement in Neurology – Headache Quality Measurement Set
To provide an update for quality measures for headache, first published by the American Academy of Neurology in 2015, that were created to provide a standard to measure and improve care for patients with headache disorders.

Choosing the Right Preventive Treatment
What primary care practitioners should know about migraine prevention

Research Summary: Acute Treatment of Migraine in Children and Adolescents
Objective: To provide evidence-based recommendations for the acute symptomatic treatment of children and adolescents with migraine

Research Summary: Stress Reduction for Migraine Management
The primary clinical outcome was a reduction in headache frequency from baseline to 20 weeks. MRI showed alteration in structure and function of brain areas and networks involved in cognitive efficiency.

Research Summary: Treatment Strategies for Medication Overuse Headache
Medication overuse headache (MOH) is characterized by escalating headache frequency and the progressive use of short-term medication. This can result in episodic headache syndromes such as migraine transforming to chronic, refractory headaches.

Sensory Hypersensitivity Symptoms in Migraine with vs Without Aura
A cross-sectional observational study published in Headache® investigated whether migraine with aura (MwA) is associated with greater hypersensitivity symptoms of photophobia, phonophobia, and cutaneous allodynia (pain elicited by normally non-painful stimuli) compared to migraine without aura (MwoA)

Reviewing ACEP guidelines on acute nontraumatic headache diagnosis and management in the emergency department
The Society’s Refractory, Inpatient, Emergency Care Special Interest Section provides a headache specialist perspective

Research Summary: Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, Chronic Migraine
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a first line therapy for insomnia we recommend over pharmacological options. A study published in the journal Headache® evaluated digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (dCBT-I) for women with chronic migraine and insomnia.

Amaal Starling: Member Spotlight
June Member Spotlight honoree Amaal Starling, MD, FAHS, discusses how advocacy drives her work in headache medicine

Comparing the Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment Versus Standard Medications Used for Prevention of Migraine
A new review gathers evidence for acupuncture’s effectiveness but also shows the need for a more standardized protocol

Deborah E. Tepper: Member Spotlight
Our May Member Spotlight honoree discusses what makes headache both an exciting and a challenging field