Special Interest Groups
As of 2024, the American Headache Society offers 21 Special Interest Group to members. The SIGS are designed to enhance the Society’s scientific, educational, and patient care goals. Joining a SIG is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways for members to participate and demonstrate leadership within the Society.
If you are a Chair of a Special Interest Group and want to make an update to your SIG webpage, please submit a request here.
2024-2026 Overall SIG Chair: Catherine D. Chong, PhD, FAHS
Dr. Catherine Chong is the current Overall SIG Chair for the 2024-2026 term. This position oversees the individual Special Interest Groups and serves as a liaison to the AHS Board of Directors.

AHS' Special Interest Groups
Advanced Practice Providers
Autonomic Disorders
Clinical Informatics
Complementary & Integrative Medicine
CSF Pressure and Volume Disorders
Methodology, Design, & Statistical Issues
Migraine and Vascular Disorders
New Investigations and Trainees
Pediatric-Adolescent Headache
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Post-traumatic Headache
Primary Front Line Headache Care
Procedural Headache Medicine
Refractory Headache
TMD, Cervical Spinal and Orofacial
Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias
Underserved Populations in Headache Medicine
Vestibular Migraine and Other Migraine Variants
Women's Health
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