Migraine, Pregnancy and Lactation
For women with migraine, family planning can be complicated by the effects on migraine symptoms and risks involved in pregnancy, making it crucial that they have guidance from their primary care provider. This section covers the fundamentals of migraine during pregnancy and postpartum-safe treatment options for pregnant and lactating women, as well as warning signs for new or secondary headache.

Special Populations: Migraine during Pregnancy
How does this affect family planning and pregnancy? Hear from Dr. Tracy Grossman on helping women manage migraine through pregnancy.

How to Support Patients with Migraine who are Preparing for Pregnancy
Pregnancy can significantly impact migraine symptoms. Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, Dr. Susan Hutchinson and Dr. Catherine Stika explain how to provide pre-pregnancy counseling for migraine patients in this episode.

Pregnancy and Migraine Management (Part One)
From changes in medications to treatment at home, find out how to help women manage their migraine while pregnant.
Recent News & Research

Treating Migraine During Pregnancy
It’s important for providers who treat women during their reproductive years to be aware of treatment options that are safe during pregnancy.

Practice Guideline Summary: Management of Primary Headache During Pregnancy
Management of Primary Headache During Pregnancy is a published systematic review for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to support the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists...

Migraine and Pregnancy: Q&A With Dr. Matthew Robbins
Dr. Matthew Robbins is an associate professor of neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and a neurologist at the Montefiore Headache Center. He spoke with us about the link between pregnancy and migraine

Adverse Pregnancy Risks Linked to Migraine in Women
The impact of migraine treatment not associated with pregnancy complications, but further research needed, expert says

Infant Colic and Maternal Migraine Linked in New Study
The causes behind infant colic—excessive crying in an otherwise healthy infant—are not known despite the condition’s common nature. But Amy Gelfand, MD, FAHS, of the University of California at San Francisco and her colleagues found a link between maternal migraine and increased chances of infant colic.

Classifying Postpartum Headache
Research from Headache finds new data on women seeking treatment for acute postpartum headache.
Additional Resources
Migraine and Pregnancy
Migraine in Pregnancy
Patient Resources

Migraine and Pregnancy: How Hormones Affect Head Pain
Pregnancy can affect migraine pain. Learn how hormones can impact head pain before, during and after pregnancy and how to safely treat migraine while pregnant.

Pregnancy and Migraine: The Impact
We asked our Move Against Migraine group about their experiences with pregnancy and migraine to learn more about how migraine impacts people.

New Moms with Migraine: Understanding Postpartum Headache
Postpartum headache may occur in the first two weeks after delivery even if you didn't experience migraine during pregnancy. Learn the signs and symptoms.

Balancing Chronic Migraine and Motherhood
Sarah from My Migraine Life shares how the disease affects her family and offers tips for preparing for a migraine attack.