
Advocating for Patients with Migraine: Q&A
Amaal Starling, MD, FAHS, discusses how doctors also function as migraine warriors

August 2021 Society Spotlight
Meet Amy Gelfand, MD, FAHS, Editor-in-Chief, Headache

Virtual Issue Summary: Kids (with headache disorders) are not just little adults (with headache disorders)
Headache® has begun to resume the quarterly online release of its virtual issues. Virtual issues can be found at and represent a carefully curated list of recent publications from the journal

Advocacy in Action: AHS Proposes Changes to Coverage for Home-use Oxygen for Cluster Headache Attacks
Home-use oxygen for the treatment of cluster headache has not been a coverable benefit for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. This is despite the therapy being a proven safe and effective way to abort a cluster headache attack.

July 2021 Society Spotlight
Meet Mia Minen, MD, MPH, FAHS, Chair Special Interest Sections

June 2021 Society Spotlight
Meet Andrew D. Hershey, MD, PhD, FAAN, FAHS, Chair Guidelines Committee

May 2021 Society Spotlight
Meet Morris Levin, MD, FAHS, AHS Board Member-at-Large

Migraine in the Adolescent Patient Overview
Learn about the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of migraine specifically for your adolescent patients.