Navigating Work Up
Depending on a patient’s headache history, providers might need to determine if the headache is primary or secondary and decide if further testing is necessary. Our experts put together resources to help you identify red flags in headache medicine, concerning changes in headache history and more.

Red Flags in Headache -- What if it isn't Migraine?
About 80-90% of the headaches are primary headaches, but the other 10-20% are secondary—caused by something else, usually an underlying condition or side effect of medication. This episode, Dr. Rebecca Michael dives into the “red flags” to look out for when making a diagnosis.

Migraine Basics
Changes in Headache History: When to be Concerned
Headache disorders can be a difficult health issue to address. They can be further complicated, however, by changes in headache or symptoms. Brian Plato, DO, FAHS, explains which changes in headache history are cause for concern and how providers can help.
Recent News & Research

Updated Guidelines for Neuroimaging in Migraine
Researchers update evidence-based recommendations about when to obtain neuroimaging in patients with migraine.

Red Flags in Headache History
Brian Plato, DO, FAHS, is the medical director of headache medicine at Norton Neuroscience Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. He recently discussed red flags in headache history...
Additional Resources
When does a Patient with Headache Need a Workup
Flowchart: Diagnosing and Treating Migraine
Red Flags and When to Image
Neuroimaging for Migraine: The American Headache Society Systematic Review and Evidence‐Based Guideline
Weekly Headache Diary Template
Monthly Headache Diary Template
Migraine and Cardiovascular Disease
Sleep Disorders and Headache
Ten Things That You and Your Patients with Migraine Should Know
Patient Resources

Changes in Headache Symptoms: When to be Concerned
Changes in your headache symptoms may possibly indicate complications. Find out what symptoms to watch for and when to see a doctor.

MRI for Kids: When is Brain Imaging Necessary?
When is an MRI necessary for kids with headaches? Dr. Meghan S. Candee offers insights on how to discuss imaging for children to parents.

What to Expect From a First-Time Visit to a Headache Specialist
If you've never been to a headache specialist before, read our checklist to prepare for your visit and get the right treatment.

What Causes Migraine
While lifestyle and medical factors that affect migraine differ for everyone, addressing them can impact how you feel. These tools can help you manage them.

Why Do I Have Migraine?
Dr. Andrew Hershey outlines migraine’s contributing factors and what you can do to prevent a migraine attack.