Migraine, Contraception, and Menstrual Cycle
A woman’s menstrual cycle causes monthly fluctuations in hormone levels that can impact their migraine symptoms. When hormonal contraception involving estrogen is used, more disruptions can occur. In this section, learn about the role of estrogen in migraine, what treatment options to give patients during menstruation at various life stages and the most suitable options for contraception.

Discussing hormones and contraception with migraine patients
Many women with migraine report attacks just before and during their period. Join Dr. Susan Hutchinson and Dr. Catherine Stika as they discuss how to diagnose and treat menstrual migraine.
Recent News & Research

Treating Migraine During Pregnancy
It’s important for providers who treat women during their reproductive years to be aware of treatment options that are safe during pregnancy.

Hot Topics: Oral Contraceptives and Migraine
There is a higher prevalence of migraine among women, compared with men, so it’s important to consider risks as they relate to women’s health issues—namely when prescribing oral contraceptives.

Migraine and Contraceptives
AHS doctors discuss the contraindication of contraceptives for women with migraine with aura
Additional Resources
How Do I Discuss Hormones With My Patients?
Contraceptive Options for Women With Migraine
Menstrual Migraine
Treatment for Women With Migraine
Birth Control for Migraine Guide
Use of Oral Contraceptives in Women With Migraine
Menstrual Migraine: New Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment
Patient Resources

Migraine Through A Woman’s Life
For women, migraine frequency and treatment options can change from puberty to menopause. Learn how fluctuating estrogen levels affect migraine.

Spotlight On: Oral Contraceptives and Migraine
Women living with migraine should speak to their healthcare provider before beginning hormonal birth control

Migraine in Transgender People
Transgender people with migraine face unique obstacles in accessing care and treatment. Learn more about migraine considerations for this population.

What Is Migraine?
What is migraine? Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatments of this disabling neurological condition affecting more than 39 million Americans.

Hysterectomy and Migraine: What to Expect
A hysterectomy may aggravate migraine. Learn how to create a migraine treatment plan before surgery.

Menstrual Migraine Treatment and Prevention
Learn about the three main treatments for menstrual migraine and how to pick the best one for you, including acute and preventive treatment.

Migraine and Women’s Health: Your Questions Answered
Women have unique challenges when it comes to managing migraine. Check out our webinar on migraine and women's health to learn more.