University of California, San Francisco – Pediatric Headache Fellowship

About the Program
UCSF Pediatric Headache fellows receive training in the outpatient and inpatient settings, and care for children & adolescents with a variety of primary and secondary headache disorders. Fellows receive training in diagnosing and treating the episodic syndromes that are thought to be associated with migraine, such as infant colic and cyclic vomiting syndrome. Experience caring for adults with headache disorders is also an integral part of the training. Fellows lead journal clubs and participate in research. Clinical training occurs in both UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals (SF & Oakland), allowing fellows to care for a broad, diverse patient population in multiple clinical environments.
Fellowship Class of 2023-2024
Fellowship Position 1: Lauren Shin
For more information, contact the Program Director by filling out the form below.
Program Director: Amy Gelfand, MD, MAS, FAHS
Administrator: Ashley Robelo