The University of Vermont Medical Center

About the Program
The University of Vermont Medical Center offers a one-year UCNS accredited fellowship in Headache Medicine, providing training through clinical care, research, and advocacy. Fellows will gain confidence in evaluating, treating, and educating adult and pediatric patients through clinical encounters and procedure-based visits, in both the outpatient and inpatient setting. Our program is comprised of four UCNS certified faculty. Fellow’s schedule will include time for learning didactics, scholarly work, and elective rotations. Graduates from any ACGME accredited residency may apply.
Program accepts applications with J1 visas: Yes
Program accepts non-ACGME residency training program applicants: No
Program accepts non-neurology residency trained applicants: No
Fellowship Class of 2024-2025
Fellowship Position 1: Andrea Regan, MD
Fellowship Class of 2025-2026
Fellowship Position 1: Dr. Kelly Xing
For more information, contact the Program Director by filling out the form below.
Program Director: Rebecca Burch, MD