New York University/Langone Health

About the Program
Fellows receive clinical and didactic training in the basic science, diagnosis, and management of primary and secondary headache disorders and facial pains. Fellows gain experience in procedural skills (chemodenervation, trigger point injections, and various types of peripheral nerve blocks). Electives in pain medicine, orofacial pain, and other choice areas of professional interest (included but not limited to concussion, otoneurology, and neuro-opthalmology) are included in the curriculum. One administrative day each week is devoted to clinical research or self-study.
Fellowship Class of 2025-2026
Fellowship Position 1: Nisha Malhotra, MD
Fellowship Class of 2026-2027
Fellowship Position 1: Open
For more information, contact the Program Director by filling out the form below.
Program Director: Sarah Bobker, MD