Migraine in the Elderly


Many patients experience a reduction in migraine attacks in their later years. But some patients even experience new-onset migraine. Managing migraine in elderly patients means factoring comorbidities, like high blood pressure and stroke risk, into a treatment plan. Our experts explain more age-related considerations you should recognize in patients 65 years and older. That includes specific primary and secondary headaches to look out for. 

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Special Populations: Migraine in the Elderly

Is there anything different about primary headache in older adults that primary care providers should pay special attention to? Dr. Nina Riggins explains how to treat and diagnose headache and migraine in seniors.

Patient Resources

Migraine Through A Woman’s Life

For women, migraine frequency and treatment options can change from puberty to menopause. Learn how fluctuating estrogen levels affect migraine.Read More

Veterans and Migraine

Military veterans may be more likely to experience migraine attacks and headaches, often stemming from brain injury and other combat-related trauma.Read More

Migraine, Stroke and Heart Disease

While there is a link between migraine and stroke, the risk of migraine-related stroke is low. Learn more about the connection and how it can affect you.Read More

What to Know About Low-Pressure Headaches

Spontaneous intracranial hypotension is what many call a low-pressure headache. Learn more about the symptoms and how to get treatment.Read More

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Diagnosing Migraine