Advocacy in Action: Investing in Graduate Medical Education
American Headache Society (AHS) joined with 85 other medical associations and specialty societies in praise of a renewed Congressional pledge to support physician training. The significant addition of 1,000 new Medicare-supported graduate medical education (GME) positions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, will be critical to overcoming projected shortfalls in trained physicians.
The supportive letters point to a projected shortage of between 54,100 and 139,000 physicians by 2033 in the United States, adding that the COVID-19 pandemic has put increased pressure on physicians. Moreover, practicing headache subspecialists, who number at around 700 nationally, are already spread considerably thin for the over 40 million Americans with migraine.
Striving to grow their ranks to better meet the needs of those Americans with migraine, AHS joined the dozens of medical and professional organizations in thanks of the needed support. This will serve as a first step to train enough physicians to serve a growing population, many with migraine and other headache disorders given the high prevalance.
See the full letters here:
Letter to House
Letter to Senate
Letter to Leadership