The Advocacy Committee is charged to encourage, educate, guide, and provide a framework for headache medicine physicians, providers, and scientists to participate in health advocacy.


AHS News: Advocacy in Action

AHS & AMF Commitment on the Impact of Recent National Events, Racism, and Healthcare Disparities

AHS/AMF Joint Statement on Oxygen Therapy for Cluster Headache

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce

AHS/AMF Joint Response on Home Use of Oxygen and Home Oxygen Use to Treat Cluster Headaches

Advocacy and Practice Management Committees’ joint response to the CMS 2022 Medicare Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

AHS Comments to Amend the Woman’s Preventive Service Initiative Well-Woman Chart to Include Migraine as a Screened Condition

Headache on the Hill

Committee Members

Amaal Starling, MD, FAHS, Co-Chair
Olivia Begasse de Dhaem, MD, FAHS, Co-Chair
Dawn Buse, PhD, FAHS
Nan Cheng, MD
Christopher Gottschalk, MD, FAHS
Crystal Hayes, APRN
Regina Krel, MD, FAHS
Abby Metzler, MD
Maureen Moriarty, APRN, DNP, FAHS
Stephanie Nahas, MD, MSEd, FAHS
Soma Sahai-Srivastava, MD
Jason Sico, MD, FAHS
David B. Watson, MD, FAHS